Cloulded Judgment
After a good wake up call from my friend's post down below. I for one woke up from a long sleep walk, at least for this moment. We live in a world of logic and rationality. As much as sexual attraction is needed to make us copulate and survive, what I call love in many cases is chemistry and is literary chemistry. It is the hormones in our brain rushing amongst the networked web of information and interpretation and in result to make us feel. Even feeling is not vague or incomprehensible; we know which part of our brain feels fun, feels sad. Many while reading this may feel disgruntled, or shocked that I would say this yet this is why:
First and foremost, as much as love is the spice of life, we are living in a world of realism, not fantasy. Dreams and idealism maybe a driving force but it is definitely not what makes the world go around. Marriage is a partnership of financial reasons, it will and can’t work about it, and successful relationships are properly managed between each portion of each person's life. In the end courtships work because of one person’s successful effort on his actions may it be how he or she touches upon the partner’s emotions and successfully be convinced. There is no good reason for a person to stalk their ex because they can’t move on. It is against the law as well. :P
I am a person of strict rationality because I have seen a lot of things goes fucking wrong because idiots are being manipulated by their feelings. There is no justification in making a foul attempt and action based on your intention. Not then, not now, not ever in the future. I find myself in another light for one reason; I am clouded by my judgment, being confused and aimless. It’s time wake up. I myself have been manipulated by my own emotions. Pathetic. I pride myself in a lot of instances for being able to make decisions at the worst of times, it did not fail me and neither do I want to start now.
Courtship is just a more complicated psychological reasoning that is all. Even in the mist of emotional high, there is reasoning for it. That is the pride of sanity - reasoning and in this I should not make a pointless fuss over how to react. I have not been calculative enough; I did not see the true meaning moving between the lines of emotions. It’s time to wake up.
No I have not lost love but in fact is stronger than I can be because I am in control. I am more comfortable because I see my focus. I see the end of the tunnel. It is time to wake up, time to wake up. It is time to make it work.
Currently listening to: The Corrs
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