Wednesday, April 12, 2006

End's Coming

My dear lady...what have you gotten yourself into? Twisting a game which finally twists yourself? I pity myself but yet i pity you more. The truth hurts dosent it as the pieces come fitting together like a puzzle? I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel for me, and I will survive this twisted maze with glory even if I have lost. Unfortunately, I may not be able to say the same for you. At what price would you pay for your victory? Would it be worth it? I can answer those for myself.

We will see for it is end's coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly,i dont find it a twisted game. Maybe becoz i dont find myself participating in that so-called 'twisted game' u mentioned. How sad it is for you to even say that you have lost with glory *cough cough*. Unfortunately, it isnt me whos going to justify it but im very sure i know where im heading to. Clearly, the light at the end of the tunnel is much brighter and colourful for me. Sadly, it might not be the same for you. As well, i dont find that the truth hurts when the puzzles came fitting into pieces but i was rather pleased with the outcome of it. So, i guess thats why it makes me the winner from the start of your game. =)

Fri Oct 06, 09:08:00 PM GMT+10  

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